Preferred Investors Network
the Kurniadi Group was built on a foundation of numbers. That's why our first love is working with investors. We focus on our relationship with members of the Preferred Investors Network, making sure that our clients maximize their return on investment.
The Preferred Investors Network will have access to creative investment opportunities such as pocket(non-advertised) listings, bank-owned, rehab-for-resale, and our exclusive probate sale properties. The goal in mind is to provide opportunities that are only available to you, the Preferred Investor.
Probate Real Estate
Today, most buyers would agree that words such as "foreclosure" and "bank-owned" are buzz words, which connotate discount or value. Buyers understand that sellers behind these types of sales must sell, therefore giving buyers leverage at the bargaining table. Unlike Short Sales, bank-owned properties are not hindered by liens, giving the seller full authority to sell properties quickly at lower prices, often times below market value. Similarly, real estate in probate must be sold as the beneficiaries of an estate await their rightful inheritance.
The Kurniadi Group specializes in the sale of probate properties. Our firm offers a wide variety of services to estate administrators and attorneys that will allow them to liquidate real estate quickly and properly. We offer these properties to you, the investor.
The Qualified Investor
To join our Preferred Investors Network, a qualified investor must provide proof-of-funds that is sufficient for the desired purchase amount. Many of the properties available to the network require all-cash offers. Please send your inquiries to